Coming up with decorating ideas for dark rooms is tricky. Often the lack of natural light can complicate your choice of colour scheme. People too readily make the mistake of painting their room bright white, in an attempt to wrestle it into a sunnier submission. But the dark room won’t budge. It looks all the more gloomy and […]

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I’ve been trawling the net so you don’t have to go finding some drool-worthy interior design products at some January sale bargain prices. Oh how I wish my house sale had gone through by now (doesn’t it just take FOREVER!) and I could get busy piling up my virtual cart with some great bargains that […]

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Who’s woken up with a sore head this morning? If you’re anything like me it won’t be long before the Alker Zeltsa wears off and you start feeling irritated by all Christmas decorations and will be craving to clear through the house, make a fresh new start and re-think your home decor. I’m a total […]

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House decoration on a budget sounds pretty tricky. So, I thought I’d share with you my first ever house. There’s something very poignant about your first step on the property ladder. My purchase was a 4 bedroom terraced house in the Hanover area of Brighton. Bought in 2007 it was the height of the property […]

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One of the things you guys have GOT to think about when picking out a lush new paint colour is the light in your room, because if colour is light- then the light is going to make a massive difference to how we read the colour. So what is colour anyway? Well if your going […]

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Ok, Ok, Its pretty obvious I’m on a crusade to get you all getting jiggy with the colour vibe. So I’ve decided in this post to get right back to basics. Sharpen your pencils boys and girls; we’re going back to school to learn a bit about the theory of colour. Out there in the […]

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