Last weekend I was thrilled to host my new look Colour workshop, in my hometown of Brighton at the gorgeous Artists Residence that sits atop the majestic Regency Square overlooking the sea. The sun came out and there were just nine of us all huddled together in the venues Ping-Pong room to discover and celebrate […]

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Coming up with decorating ideas for dark rooms is tricky. Often the lack of natural light can complicate your choice of colour scheme. People too readily make the mistake of painting their room bright white, in an attempt to wrestle it into a sunnier submission. But the dark room won’t budge. It looks all the more gloomy and […]

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One of the things you guys have GOT to think about when picking out a lush new paint colour is the light in your room, because if colour is light- then the light is going to make a massive difference to how we read the colour. So what is colour anyway? Well if your going […]

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I’ve been wanting to write this blog post for a while, but I like to hold back reporting on trends to check they are going to stick around and it certainly looks like the ‘Gold’ trend is here to stay. And what’s more, I really love it. Gold communicates quality, luxury and has a glowing […]

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Ok, Ok, Its pretty obvious I’m on a crusade to get you all getting jiggy with the colour vibe. So I’ve decided in this post to get right back to basics. Sharpen your pencils boys and girls; we’re going back to school to learn a bit about the theory of colour. Out there in the […]

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A mood board is one of the essential parts of creating a successful interior design scheme. Used by professionals as part of their presentation to a client, it’s also an essential tool when you are planning to decorate for yourself. Designers who have a very strong mood board and presentation usually have the most successful […]

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