Next in my series of blog posts about seasonal personalities is autumn. Now just to quickly recap, I’m exploring the psychology of colour because I think it’s an wonderful tool to streamline the design process. We are literally bombarded with visual stimulus, trends, latest looks, magazines, not to mention the rabbit hole that is Pinterest. Its really easy to loose your own identity in it all and feel overwhelmed and frozen. But by using the simple tools of Colour Psychology you can approach a design project with a lot more clarity. So time to find out if you or your home is an autumn personality. This is a good one!
The big buzzword for autumn is rustic. You’ll love the rougher textures and be less interested in patterns. There’s nothing glossy about autumn who loves tactile matt surfaces and for their surroundings to feel substantial and solid. This no fuss approach also lends its self to the decoration, which will prefer clean lines and little to no clutter. Although the autumn personality is sentimental and likes to collect things, especially books. Your less worried about the feeling of light and space as summer and spring are and prefer the cosier vibe. An inglenook fireplace with a wood burner would be your idea of heaven!
The autumn interior also has a very relaxed and informal feel, and you’d be up for celebrating the integrity of a building, exposing the original brickwork and beams. Even going so far as having the copper pipes and conduit pipes on display. You’d relish a complete renovation, or restoring an old Victorian or Edwardian house. Exposing the original features is how you get your kicks.
“The least materialistic of all the seasons, autumn is nothing if not ambitious. They love to do things well and will often create new and better ways of doing things. Education is important to them and they have a great love of books and the arts.”
Fiona Humberstone, The Brand Stylist
I feel like the Autumn personality is the natural home maker, making a space feel cosy and homespun. It’s something I’m very drawn to although my Spring personality likes to keep things fresher. I’d love to know how popular this look is with you so leave me a comment below.
Hi Sophie, I love this series on the seasons. Thank you for taking the time to write it! I have historically been attracted to the softer, faded colors of summer, especially the blues. But after reading this article, I realize the autumn textures are even more appealing! I have an old factory building in London, filled with rich textures, that I plan to make my home. I will send you a private not about potentially working together to blend the summer & autumn seasons. Your work is stunning!
Hi Sophie, funny that we are talking about ‘autumn’ as the summer is in full swing. On the topic of summer, I plan to take a small summer break in London from 20 July for 2 weeks. If you are in town and have time to meet, I would be happy to do so. Please feel free to send an email to me directly. Thanks, I look forward to talking soon.