We’ve made it to the end of January. Whoop whoop! Days are getting longer (apparently) and I’ve already spotted the bulbs I planted last month peeking through the dark soil which is beyond thrilling! Soon we’ll have bright yellow daffodils and tulips and be on our way to brighter days. But without wanting to wish the month away, welcome to my new monthly post, titled quite simply, This month I’m loving…

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Well now that January is half way gone (hooray!) , I’m finally getting into the full swing of work. It’s been a rip roaring start to the year and following my annual Vision Board process, I’m happy to report I’ve got my mojo back. Like many of you I work from home and creating an […]

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Throughout the recent Christmas period we saw everyone go wild for bows over on Instgram. From Melanie Lissack’s bow laden tree that went viral, to oversized bows on doors, candles, wine glasses and presents. You name it, it had a bow on it! I’m not sure how you feel about trends but I like to […]

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Who, like me, finds January supremely challenging? Although as I write my first blog post of 2024, the sun is shining outside, and there is nothing more invigorating or indeed optimistic than a blue sky and some piercing warming sunshine melting away the nights frost. But boy I struggle with the January blues. After all […]

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Wow what a year! But before I sign off it’s a moment to pause for breath.  This is the final blog post, coupled with the last episode of the Great Indoors podcast, 2023 is soon to be over and out.  Before I slip on my sheepskin slippers and pour myself a large glass, I thought […]

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I’ve never professed to being a whiz in the kitchen and so you’ll often find me setting the table instead and oh what fun you can have at Christmas! I love the excuse to bring in all the colour, using all sorts of bits you may already have lying around. From seasonal fruit and foliage, […]

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