I whole heartedly embrace anything colour, so like a kid in a sweetshop I just had to say Yes to the invitation to take part in the Brighton Color Run, presented by Skitttles. I’d done zero training but as part of my Autumn New Year strategy I thought this was the perfect opportunity to get the body moving and one step on the path to getting fit…again. So what better way to do it then on Brighton seafront on a brusque and windy day with my bestie, Sophie Abbott who has just as an otherworldly obsession with rainbow brights as me. It seemed we’d be a match made in heaven for this kind of event, (totally ignoring the running bit). So you get to run, or walk, even in high heels it turns out if your so inclined, while a bevy of volunteers tips powder paint all over you. It’s a blast! They play really really loud music that makes you feel like you’ve unwittingly stumbled into a Radio 1 road show. In a nut shell I loved it, we had a ball, we’d do it again, and we had a really big pub nosh up afterwards, which was the cherry on the cake. Here are the pics