Last weekend was a glorious three day bank holiday- the perfect opportunity to all get stuck into some DIY as is the traditional British pastime way. I spent it in the garden although I’ve got LOADS to do in the house, but the garden is just going berserk at this time of year. I’m no gardener so I’m getting aquainted with weeds right now and totally addicted to mowing. Who knew?! Well all I can say is I’ve surprised myself. But I cannot wait to get back indoors and start getting some colour in my mainly magnolia house. Soooooon!!!!!!
I teamed up with my pals at Electrical Safety First to spread the DIY love and ran a competition over on Twitter for the best DIY tips in celebration of the long weekend so I could keep an eye on what you lot were up to. I asked you to share your advise on the perfect DIY bank holiday and here are the resuts, all shared using the hash tag #diynation
Get all tools to hand before starting. It’s frustrating &unsafe to stop to search for a tool you need mid job!
2. Natalie Harrison @NatHarrison84
Always have a full toolbox, with spare screws, hooks and hinges
The most important thing: Get up early to make ‘provisions’! Nothing worse than no provisions
Measure twice, cut once
5. Mel crumpton @daddiesmumpet
@ElecSafetyFirst Always make sure you know what you are doing, plan what you are going to do and how you are going to do it.
PREPARATION! “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!”, so true in DIY.
The three P’s Preparation, preparation and preparation. Boring but true!
8. Englishcountrylife @engcountrylife
Use an oil based undercoat to cover biro or felt tip pen on plaster walls
Put foil round the edge of paint pots to avoid sticky and hard to open / close lids.
Instead of cleaning a paint roller after each coat, put it in a plastic bag & seal so it’s ready for next time.
11. John Glen Stevens @JohnGlenStevens
Priming walls and ceilings is important to improve paint adhesion, which reduces blisters & peeling.
Buy rolls of plastic dustsheets on eBay for pennies covering floor and furnishings while painting
Put bin bag over paint tray before using, then when done- pull bag back over the tray & no cleaning required!
If you want a smooth flat finish when up cycling furniture use a mohair roller! Finish is perfect every time.
15. Christina @meganchristina9
When painting with brushes/paint pads between use keep them in a plastic sandwich bag, stops them drying out
Line paint trays with cling film to make cleaning easier. Use quality paintbrushes to avoid stray bristles
Always drill a pilot hole!
18. Daniel Morgan @thesoundmandan
Cut your downlight box in half, put in between holesaw and chuck of the drill to use as a cheap dust collector.
19. claire harrill @claireharr
Stick a creased post it note on the wall just below where you are drilling to catch the dust from the hole
Invest in all surface wall fixings to save multiple trips for plaster/hollow/hard wall fixing
Use masking tape to stick an open envelope to the surface when drilling to catch all the dust!
22. Age of Reason – Ali @AgeofRStudios
Print out groups of small-framed pics & “hang” w blue tack to ensure perfect wall composition before drilling.
Be patient- loosing your temper only makes things worse, & remember this is not your profession, mistakes will happen
24. Nicolette Lafonseca @archieandtherug
Use the right tools, do your research & be realistic about your skill set
25. Alexis Hall @AlexisHall13
In my house the best DIY tip is ‘get in an expert
26. Ian Davies @IanTheInventor
When it comes to installing electrics ‘Don’t Install Yourself’
27. LBurgess @lindseyburgess1
Ring Dad!!
Get someone else to do it
Be safe! Wear appropriate clothing & correct safety gear, keep your work area tidy and keep pets+children away
Watch YouTube how to guides and give it a go. We saved £000s by fitting our own vinyl, laminate & doing tiling
Always wear a toolbelt whilst doing diy. It makes me appear as a passable man.
If you have any top DIY tips I’d love to hear them so please drop them into the comments below